Hello everyone! I will cut to the chase! I am working on a very personal project. It is a trilogy of photo books filled with images I have captured the passed 3 or so years. Several years ago I was laid off and like many others it was very difficult to find a job. One day in late March 2006, I decided to pick my camera back up. I told my wife I had an idea and since then as they say is history. The first book called Phocused: "Focused" is based pretty much on the beginning of this photographic journey of mine. My first attempt at sharing some of the images in a real in your hands way. In the photo book, it shows some of the New York City underground music & artist scene. Capturing some of the most versatile and talented artists throughout the 5 boroughs and beyond. If you have stepped foot in New York City to perform or attend a show. You may not have seen me, but I just may have captured you. Phocused is a book full of energy, color and beauty, making it a great addition to any coffee table or personal library. The book is 13x11, 104 pages of 129 images in black & white and full color imagery. I ask that you make a little time to take a look at the below links. If you feel the urge to support or you know of anyone who would be interested in the photo book, a purchase or forward would be much appreciated.
Thank you in advance for your time and I hope you find it interesting enough to at least pass along.
Ed Marshall
Links to Phocused the photo book:
10x8 Softcover Copy